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Organic Beet Root Powder

Organic Beet Root Powder

Tea Time by Porsha
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Beet Root Powder have several benefits that are great for adding into your daily regimen. Beet Root Can help with the following ailments: Beet Root * Reduces blood sugar * lowers risk of diabetes * contains a natural antioxidants called lipoic acid which may help lower glucose levels and increase insulin activity * helps with diabetic neuropathy ( peripheral and autonomic) ***CONTRAINDICATED WITH NITRATES*** DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING NITRATES*** Vitamins and mineral: calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, B-6, copper, selenium Disclaimer: Tea Time by Porsha does not intend to replace any medication therapies prescribed by your physician. Please speak with your doctor before stopping, replacing or adding herbal treatments to you routine. Tea Time by Porsha's products do not intend to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.