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Customizable Bridal Bundles

Customizable Bridal Bundles

Tea Time by Porsha
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Getting ready for that big day? Shower your bridal entourage, shower attendees or bachelorette goers with your favorite favors!! Items are offered in bulk mini bundles, gift boxed or bagged with your costumed theme and adorned with decor of choice. This gift set caters to 30 individuals and features 30 Lotus to Go oils, 30 Lotus to Go Foam Washes ( mix and match blends), and 30 miniature Yoni Milk Baths ( 1/2 cup or 1 bath). Shipping is included in pricing but taxes still apply. Add-ons are welcomed but please note that prices will increase. ****Minimum bulk orders of 10 gift sets*** If you have a question or would like a quote please contact me via chat button or at