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Frazzle Berry (Anxiety/Depression)

Frazzle Berry (Anxiety/Depression)

Tea Time by Porsha
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Feeling blue? Frazzle Berry is a blend of organic herbs and fruits specially formulated for those who suffer from anxiety and depression. When you are feeling overwhelmed and need that calming moment, brew a cup of Frazzle Berry. Enjoy! Lemongrass~ Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, improves sugar levels, antioxidants. Rosehips ~Antioxidants and supports immune system, great skin aging herb. Hibiscus~ Antioxidants, may help lower blood pressure and blood fat. Peppermint leaf ~ can increase energy, aids with digestion, calming. Ashwaghanda ~ may helps regulate stress response and calms anxiety. Passion Flower~ may help with the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, regulates mood, calms anxiety effects. Other Ingredients: Organic dried Blueberries and Cranberries.