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Unicorn Coconut Milk Soap (Scented)

Unicorn Coconut Milk Soap (Scented)

Tea Time by Porsha
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Aromatic Notes 
Top - Fluffy Cotton Candy
Middle - Rainbow Rock Candy
Bottom - Sugared Lemon Drops

Not only will our soaps be beautiful but very beneficial for your daily bath time routine. This recipe was crafted to be suitable for every age range which took weeks of trial and error but worth every set back! Our bars are 1- and 1/2-inch cuts that are packed with AMAZING benefits. 

Base blends will include: Coconut milk, Shea Butter, Kokum Butter, Avocado oil, Marula Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Fractionated (saponified).

Benefits include: moisturizing, anti-aging, cleansing, naturally decreases inflammation for eczema, itchy, dry skin. Non greasy, won't clog pores, increases collagen which reduces wrinkles, fine lines, full of antioxidants, antibacterial (properties that help acne breakouts), anti-fungal (Coconut!!) and antimicrobial.

Our soaps are 100% natural, SAFE and vegan. If you've ever used handmade soaps it's hard to go into the store and see 100 things that you probably have no clue what they are vs a few things with 20 times the benefits.

Here are definitions of the "anti's" that our blends carry.

Antioxidants = protects cells from free radicals (unstable atoms that causes cellular damage, illnesses and aging).

Anti-fungal= prevents fungal growth

Anti-microbial= substances that are active against microorganisms such as bacterial, mold and fungi and algae.

Antibacterial= prevents the growth and spread of bacteria.